The Foundation
“Weltkultur Stiftung” (Worldculture Foundation) is a non-legal, non-profit foundation under civil law.
The foundation pursues exclusively and directly non-profit purposes within the meaning of the “tax beneficiary purpose” of the duties regulation of Germany.
The purpose of the foundation is the promotion of art and culture, as well as the introduction to a cosmopolitan spirit of tolerance in all areas of culture and international understanding.
The purpose of the statutes is met by supporting film projects, as well as through events and other projects that promote knowledge about the world’s cultural heritage.
The Foundation is self-serving and does not primarily pursue economic purposes.
In cooperation with Media Policy Center, a California-based, not-for-profit organization
Kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg
IBAN: DE 98 7025 0150 0028 2629 21
Konto Nr: 28 26 29 21
In a world increasingly threatened to succumb to intolerance, hate and violence and where the gap between cultures continuously widens, we feel compelled to get involved. This we do in a matter we are familiar with, through a medium which we have mastered: Film reaches world-wide audiences and has a fundamental impact on people – regardless of cultural origin, creed or colour. And as a product, film is immensely sustainable. This is our conviction.
Our projects will attempt to prove that peaceful coexistence among cultures and religions is not only possible but most desirable by people. This is what became evident while visiting indigenous people all over the globe. In this context we equally strive to preserve and protect their holy sites of worship.
In more than 50 years as a filmmaker, over 30 of these in the USA, I was fortunate enough to travel to almost every corner of our planet. I got to know many formidable personalities, most memorable His Holiness the Dalai Lama. They all left strong impressions, but in the end, it were the ordinary people, the “protagonists” of our films, who lingered in one’s mind. Probably because it was always tugging on one’s heartstrings when the film team moved on at the end of a shooting, leaving behind people of the mainly indigenous populations, quite often the misfortunate ones. From this, over time, the idea evolved to create something more sustainable beyond the film. The opportunity arose after the devastating earthquake in Nepal in April 2015. Fortunately, before the earthquake, we had filmed an episode of our 3D documentary, “Legacy of Gods” (, which, though unforseen, produced an unrecoverable visual document of Kathmandu.
At that point, the need for emergency aid was obvious which, shortly after, could be put into effect in form of a small self-help project.
We want to pursue the concept of self-help based on the principles of Swiss UN -Development expert and geologist Dr. Toni Hagen (1917-2003) whose rescue of Tibetan refugees after the Chinese Invasion of Tibet in 1950 made him a legend. I had the privilege to make a film about Dr. Hagen’s achievments under the auspices of Birendra, King of Nepal and the cooperation of H.H. the Dalai Lama . Accordingly, at each filming location we visit or already have have visited, a self-help project, adapted to the local needs, will be put into action. In Guatemala, it will be wor kshops for juvenile descendants of the Maya, teaching them to exploit their unique heritage more economically. An equivalent project is planned for the indigenous Aymara population of northern Chile. In the northeastern uplands of Ethiopia wells are urgently needed. Here, too, simple methods of self-help can be conveyed to the villagers. Similar projects are planned in Morocco, Jordan, Iran and Israel.
All relief measures are selected according to urgency and priority. The planning is carried out in close cooperation with the embassies of the countries concerned and with our contacts and staff on the ground.
In order to finance these help projects, the proceeds from the commercial, worldwide marketing and licensing of the films produced by Worldculture Foundation and its partners are to be used. Thus, the circle will be closed. The product film becomes an instrument of sustainability.
The financing of the film projects, in turn, is made by your contribution.
100% transparency of the approppropriated funds is guaranteed and the status of a given project closely monitored. Progress will be regularily posted on our internet platform, in our social-media presence and through newsletters to our donors.
We are grateful for your contribution. Together we will be strong enough to reach our goal.
Sincerely yours,
Jochen Breitenstein
The Projects
Get to know our projects.
All filmed at major UNESCO World Heritage sites!
“My whole life has been a mathematical formula of what a black man can do. I have been a farmer, a clock-maker, a mathematician, an astronomer, a surveyor, an almanac -writer… and I add this and this and I hope the sum of it proves something to the world.”
Benjamin Banneker, March 1804

Supported by Silvio A. Bedini’s definitive Biography “The Life of Benjamin Banneker”, producer Jochen Breitenstein and director Leroy Morais filmed this Documentary – Drama in 1979 under the auspices of the Catonsville Historical Society and the Maryland Historical Society entirely on historical locations in and around Baltimore.
Starring Ossie Davis in the title role, Benjamin Banneker -The Man who loved the Stars premiered 1982 at the White House during the tenure of President Jimmy Carter and was awarded a CINE GOLDEN EAGLE by the Library of Congress.
Because of the film’s believable dramatic rendering of certain events in Banneker’s life, it has been endorsed by the NEA and, consequently, is still in distribution to this day.
The Plot:
Banneker’s life story unfolds during a trip from his rural tobacco farm to Baltimore where he is to meet his printer to discuss the publication of his new 1798 almanac. By now in his Sixties and in poor health, he is accompanied by his sister and young nephew who is driving their wagon.
Although Banneker and his family are freeborn slaves, they are still being stopped and harassed by a bounty hunter hot on the heels of a pair of runaway slaves. After presenting their freedom papers, the rogue reluctantly lets them move on.
The plot thickens when they arrive at the printer’s house. Unwittingly, Banneker violates the Congressional Fugitive Slave Act when he persuades the printer to aid the young slave couple on the run with falsified papers.
Soon, “The Man who loved the Stars” will appear as a thrilling, all-encompassing Graphic Novel

Born on November 9, 1731 as descendant of a white-black marriage, inarguably, Benjamin Banneker is the most fascinating among early American scientists. A free-born black tobacco farmer, he spent all his life in an isolated community near Baltimore. In spite of only rudimentary schooling – his English-born grandmother, a former endentured servant named Molly Welsh- taught him to read and write – he attained a reputation as a self-taught mathematician and astronomer quite late in life. He even wrote a series of almanacs which were popular among farmers in the late seventeen- hundreds. He left his farm only once when, in 1791, he was asked to assist in the survey of the future District of Columbia.
Banneker was quite aware that Blacks were considered people of inferior mental capacity and was frustrated by the attention paid to his race instead to his work. This is why he sent a copy of his 1792 almanack to Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, accompanied by a letter blaming the British Rule of the colonies which forces “his black brethren” into an intolerable state of servitude”. Jefferson, himself a slave owner, answers cautiously: “Nobody wishes more ardently to see a good system commenced to raise their condition…”
Although this correspondence provided Banneker with public recognition and enabled him to parlay his intellectual gift into national prestige, he still faced racial prejudice among his own neighbors.
Banneker never married and had no offspring. He continued farming until the end but had to sell some of his land to finance his retirement. He died on October 9, 1806. During his funeral some days later, his cabin mysteriously caught fire, destroying most of his possessions and all his writings.
C: 1979 – 2023 all rights reserved by Cinemonde International Ld.
Library of Congress # 20229188385
Kreissparkasse Munich Starnberg Ebersberg
IBAN: DE 98 7025 0150 0028 2629 21
Account number: 28 26 29 21
All photos © Philipp Weber-Bertram,
A stirring documentary, filmed in brilliant 3D
All over the globe we find sites of worship, testimony to human reverence – the bow before a Creator.
Ancient churches, carved out of a mountainside, mystical pyramids in the jungle, sublime mosques, stirring celebrations honouring the Blessed Virgin, arcane cremation ceremonies, a monastery in the Himalayas, an awesome necropolis in the desert, temples of the fire people and finally the eternal City of David…all tantalizing objects for our 3D cameras, capturing images and impressions rarely achieved in documentaries.
Yet it’s actually the people that inspire our imagination – indigenous people on four continents at 8 different locations, thousands of miles apart from each other. Eight captivating stories celebrating the ingenuity and resilience of the human spirit. Eight anecdotes of faith, hope, hardship and dreams, showing us that peaceful coexistence among cultures and religions indeed can and will prevail. Because everything that seems to divide us from one another in the end will unite us.
Previous contributions have made it possible to already complete one third of principal photography on locations in Chile, Guatemala and Nepal – fortunately prior to the devastating earthquake that cost so many lives and destroyed so much of the country.
Your contribution will help us to continue our quest. Together we will be able to achieve something remarkable.
Of course this project, too, will adhere to our principles of sustainability.
If desired, an individual mentioning will appear in the credits of the film. And at the premiere a special seat will be reserved for you.
Detailed information about the project you will find here:
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Stefan Fricke, Project Director
Kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg
IBAN: DE 98 7025 0150 0028 2629 21
Konto Nr: 28 26 29 21
A documentary
All photos © Philipp Weber-Bertram,
Omar López, Architect and City Curator says: „Approximately 40 beautiful buildings die every year before our very eyes. An irretrievable loss! Helplessly, we have to witness the decay. But we are hopeful that we will eventually save the most precious treasures with international help.”

Santiago de Cuba, second largest city of the island, was founded in 1512 by the Spanish Conquistador Diego Velázquez and for many years was the largest base of the Spanish Armada in the Caribbean. Spaniards, French Settlers and Slaves from West Africa dictated the life in Santiago. In 1862 the Spanish Bacardi Family founded the world’s best-known rum distillery. In 1898, the Spanish-American war ended Spain’s colonial rule.
The city looks back on a truly remarkable past, but also has a big problem: since January 1st 1959 – the victory of the revolution – the wheels in Santiago have stood still. Owners of the grand villas were dispossessed, many left the country. Under the new regime, the tenants neither had the money nor the potential to maintain these beautiful old buildings. Since the roofs were not repaired, the walls were soaked with water in the rainy season, causing them to bust during the next heat spell. The destructive mechanism continues and is all but unstoppable if intensive measures are not taken.
Our film will show Santiago de Cuba in its unique splendor, but it will also address the threatening decay. Here, too, we will attempt to set a signal. We will endeavor to convey that it is paramount to protect and preserve the cultural heritage of our planet. And the meaning of sustainability will once again be truly demonstrated. Finally, net profits from the world-wide marketing and exploitation of the film will benefit Señor López and his team, supporting him in his fight to save his beautiful city from further decay.
Please be generous in your support. Together we will create something truly rewarding. If desired, the donor will prominently appear in the credits of the film. And at the premiere of “Cuba’s decaying Splendor”, a special seat will be reserved.
Thank you, sincerely yours
Dr. Manfred Boelk, Project Director
Kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg
IBAN: DE 98 7025 0150 0028 2629 21
Konto Nr: 28 26 29 21
Krabat – “The Night of the Raven” a graphic novel based on motifs by Jurij Brezan and the Sorbian folk tale.
Jurij Brezan, probably the most popular Sorbian writer of the 20th century, wrote in both Upper Sorbian and German. His works have been translated into more than 25 languages, including his best-known novel “Die Schwarze Mühle”, which was written in 1981. It tells the story of the legendary figure of the orphan boy Krabat, who works as a miller’s boy but at the same time learns magic.
The graphic novel is originally based on a script written in 2000 for a movie, a collaboration between scriptwriter Jochen Breitenstein and Jurij Brezan. Unfortunately, the film couldn’t be made at the time, but the work on the script shouldn’t have been in vain. Therefore, the decision was made to develop it as a graphic novel as a tribute to the author who died in 2016.
Because as Brezan used to say: “You don’t live so that grass grows over it in the end!”
Kreissparkasse Munich Starnberg Ebersberg
IBAN: DE 98 7025 0150 0028 2629 21
Account number: 28 26 29 21
„Music is an important element of any film: It supports the narrative, adds emotion to the visuals and propels the story, carrying the audience with it. Legacy of the Gods is an an epic project with epic subjects and it will require epic music. Music that not only fulfils the above criteria but takes viewers back to past times and truly involves them in their journey through history.“
Nic Raine, Composer
The Partners
Dale Bell and Harry Wiland
After more than 35 years as producers and directors for PBS Public Television, ABC, NBC, A&E und The Discovery Channel, in 2002 Dale Bell und Harry Wiland founded Media Policy Center.
Located in Santa Monica, California, MPC, a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization, dedicates itself to a wide spectrum of themes, covering political as well socio-economic topics. Of special concern is social justice, the environment and applied sustainability.
Both Dale and Harry are members of the Directors Guild of America as well as the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. For his Film „Woodstock“, Dale Bell was awarded an Oscar. Over time their individual work was awarded with a total of 15 Emmys, a Peabody and numerous other accolades.

The Team
Jochen Breitenstein
Producer and Founder
His professional carrier began 1965 at a Public Broadcast station in Karlsruhe, Germany. In 1965 he took on a position at PPS, the American Public Broadcasting System. This was followed by five years at the University of Maryland at Baltimore, where he headed the in- house production unit as film director. Subsequently, he moved to Hollywood, California, where he worked as a writer, producer and director for over 25 years. The focus of his work was, once again, in the documentary field mainly on international, historical and socio critical subject matters. Gradually, his field of activity shifted back to Europe, especially to Germany, where he continues his work as writer and producer. Experiences and incidents encountered during his work on five continents finally led to founding Worldculture Foundation in 2015.

Leroy Morais
Writer and Director
Leroy “Lee“ Morais has always been an artist. After getting an MFA at Indiana University, he taught Painting and Filmmaking at Michigan State, The University of New Mexico, at the Maryland Institute of Art and the University of Maryland. His films include documentaries, industrials a well as experimental works. “Art is my Religion” as he likes to quote.

Stefan Fricke
Project Director and Controller
Stefan Fricke is well qualified to oversee the foundation’s individual projects as well as their finances. His experience was gained on international productions on all five continents. The total number of his projects, produced mainly under the “cinema 88” – label, amounts to 280.

Dr. med. Manfred Boelk
Project Director
Trained as a physician and psychologist, Dr. Boelk early on felt a penchant for writing. The fact that this talent was also professionally implementable was proved by the first script which was actually accepted by a broadcaster. His love for Latin American countries was fueled while shooting a film on the Samba Schools of Rio de Janeiro. In 1994, during the lengthy preparations for a film about the world-famous Tropicana in Havana, he developed a special relationship with Cuba and its endearing people. On a round trip of the island that also took him to Santiago de Cuba, he became aware of the seemingly unstoppable decay of so many monuments of this traditional city. The idea for a support program was thus born.
Dr. Boelk still produces films on various medical subject matters, which regularly reach high audience ratings and viewing figures on television.

Prof. Dr. Susanne von der Heide
Project Consultant
Dr. v.d. Heide is a trained cultural scientist and conservationist. Among others, she works for the World Heritage department of UNESCO in Paris where she edits a series of books, entitled “World Culture and National Heritage Sites”. Furthermore, she is the director of HimalAsia Foundation, active mainly in the Himalaya region of Southern -and Central Asia. She is also an accomplished film director with five films about the Himalaya region to her credit. She lives and works in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Stefan R. Haake
Member of the Board
Stefan R. Haake has been at home in the banking and family offices sector for more than 25 years. In addition to his specialization in supporting entrepreneurs, foundations and NGOs, the trained banker is both a qualified banker and a qualified financial economist. This enables him to be professionally qualified and run a banking business in accordance with the German Banking Act (KWG). Most recently, Stefan was Chief Operations Officer in a blockchain startup
As an author, Stefan regularly publishes specialist and opinion articles in industry-specific and general media. By founding the Stifter | Salon e.V. and his responsibility there as a board member and as a partner in a FamilyOffice, he always has direct access to extensive international networks, thought leaders in business and opinion leaders from research and teaching.

Media Policy Center is new Partner
26. June 2017
We are proud and happy to be able to announce our partnership with Media Policy Center of Los Angeles. After long carriers in Public Television, Dale Bell and Harry Wiland founded this…
Worldculture Foundation/Weltkultur Stiftung
Clemenstr. 1
80803 Munich
+49 (0)89 38 39 47-0
Worldculture Foundation [Weltkultur Stiftung]
Unincorporated, non-profit civil law foundation.
Kretzschmar & Partner mbB
Public audit firm [Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft]
Tax consultancy firm [Steuerberatungsgesellschaft]
Clemensstraße 1
80803 Munich, Germany
Telephone: +49-89-38 39 47-0
Fax: +49-89-38 39 47-47
VAT ID No. DE 180829164
Munich Municipal Court PR 26
Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Dipl. Jur. (Univ.)
Thomas R. Kretzschmar
Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater
Fachberater für internationales Steuerrecht
Dipl. Jur. (Univ.)
Oliver Henry
Kretzschmar & Partner mbB has been an accredited audit and tax consultancy firm since 1 July, 1996 and has been registered in the Partnership Register of Munich Municipal Court PR 26 since 12 December 1996.
The statutory professional title audit and tax consultancy firm was conferred in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The extension “mbB” stands for “mit beschränkter Berufshaftung” and means limited liability partnership according to § 8 of the German PartGG.
The professional bodies and supervisory authorities to which Kretzschmar & Partner mbB is subject are as follows:
The supervisory authority is the Chamber of Public Auditors [Wirtschaftsprüferkammer].
Public corporation
Rauchstraße 26
10787 Berlin
Telephone: +49-30-72 61 61-0
Fax: +49-30-72 61 61-228
Public auditors/sworn auditors are essentially subject to the following professional regulations:
Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and the Council dated 17
May 2006 (Statutory Auditor Directive)
Recommendation of the EU Commission of 6 May 2008 on external quality assurance for statutory auditors and auditors auditing public interest entities
Recommendation of the EU Commission of 5 June 2008 concerning the limitation of the civil law liability of statutory auditors and audit firms
Public Auditors Ordinance [Wirtschaftsprüferordnung] (WPO)
Regulation of the Examination of Public Auditors (WPAnrV)
Statute regulating the profession of public auditors/sworn auditors
Quality control statute
Seal Ordinance
Public auditors’ professional indemnity insurance regulation [Wirtschaftsprüferberufshaftpflichtversicherungsordnung]
The professional regulations may be viewed on the website of the Chamber of Public Auditors ( under Service/Legal provisions as amended from time to time.
The supervisory authority is the Munich Chamber of Tax Consultants [Steuerberaterkammer München].
Public corporation
Nederlinger Straße 9
80638 München
Telephone: +49-89-15 79 02-0
Fax: +49-89-15 79 02-19
Tax consultants are essentially subject to the following professional regulations:
Tax Consultancy Act [Steuerberatungsgesetz] (StBerG)
Regulation on implementing the requirements governing tax consultants, tax agents and tax consultancy firms
Professional Code of Conduct of the federal chamber of tax consultants
Specialist consultant regulation
Regulation of the scale of fees for tax consultants
Law on the Remuneration of Lawyers
The professional regulations can be downloaded from the website of the Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants [Bundessteuerberaterkammer] (
All Kretzschmar & Partner mbB partners are subject to the aforementioned professional regulations and are members of the relevant professional bodies.
For partners who are admitted as lawyers under German law, they are also subject to the German Law Society [Rechtsanwaltskammer] as competent professional body and supervisory authority.
The supervisory authority is the Law Society [Rechtsanwaltskammer] for the Munich Higher Regional Court District.
Tal 33
80331 München
Telephone: +49-89-53 29 44-0
Fax: +49-89-53 29 44-28
Lawyers are essentially subject to the following professional regulations:
Federal Lawyers Act [Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung]
Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers
Regulation for Specialist Lawyers [Fachanwaltsverordnung]
Law on the Remuneration of Lawyers
Professional rules of lawyers of the European Union
The professional regulations may be downloaded from the website of the German Law Society [Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer] (
Mandatory information pursuant to §§ 1 to 3 Regulation on Service Reporting Obligations
There is professional liability insurance with Versicherergemeinschaft für das wirtschaftliche Prüfungs- und Treuhandwesen [insurer for financial auditing and trusts], Dotzheimer Str. 23, 65185 Wiesbaden. The insurance coverage, in particular with regard to the geographical scope of application, meets at least the requirements of § 67 Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG), §§ 51 ff. Regulation on implementing the requirements governing tax consultants, tax agents and tax consultancy firms (DvStB), § 54 Public Auditors Ordinance (WPO) in conjunction with the Regulation on the professional liability insurance of public auditors and sworn auditors (WPBHV).
Non-profit status
The non-profit status for tax purpose is officially recognised by the Tax Office [Finanzamt] Miesbach, Postfach 302, 83711 Miesbach with assessment notice of 24. September 2015.
Dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):
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Collection and disclosure of information: Using the Google +1 button allows you to publish information worldwide. By means of the Google+ button, you and other users can receive custom content from Google and our partners. Google stores both the fact that you have +1’d a piece of content and information about the page you were viewing when you clicked +1. Your +1 can be displayed together with your profile name and photo in Google services, for example in search results or in your Google profile, or in other places on websites and advertisements on the Internet.
Google records information about your +1 activities to improve Google services for you and others. To use the Google + button, you need a globally visible, public Google profile that must contain at least the name chosen for the profile. This name is used by all Google services. In some cases, this name may also replace a different name that you have used to share content via your Google account. The identity of your Google profile can be shown to users who know your email address or other information that can identify you.
Use of collected data: In addition to the uses mentioned above, the information you provide is used in accordance with the applicable Google data protection policies. Google may publish summary statistics about users’ +1 activity or share it with users and partners, such as publishers, advertisers, or affiliate websites.
Instagram plugin
Our website contains functions of the Instagram service. These functions are offered by Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.
If you are logged into your Instagram account, you can click the Instagram button to link the content of our pages with your Instagram profile. This means that Instagram can associate visits to our pages with your user account. As the provider of this website, we expressly point out that we receive no information on the content of the transmitted data or its use by Instagram.
For more information, see the Instagram Privacy Policy:
LinkedIn plugin
Our site uses functions from the LinkedIn network. The service is provided by LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.
Each time one of our pages containing LinkedIn features is accessed, your browser establishes a direct connection to the LinkedIn servers. LinkedIn is informed that you have visited our web pages from your IP address. If you use the LinkedIn “Recommend” button and are logged into your LinkedIn account, it is possible for LinkedIn to associate your visit to our website to your user account. We would like to point out that, as the provider of these pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or how it will be used by LinkedIn.
More information can be found in the LinkedIn privacy policy at
XING Plugin
Our website uses features provided by the XING network. The provider is XING AG, Dammtorstraße 29-32, 20354 Hamburg, Germany.
Each time one of our pages containing XING features is accessed, your browser establishes a direct connection to the XING servers. To the best of our knowledge, no personal data is stored in the process. In particular, no IP addresses are stored nor is usage behavior evaluated.
For more information about data protection and the XING Share button, please see the XING privacy policy at
Pinterest plugin
Our website contains functions of the Pinterest social network, operated by Pinterest Inc., 635 High Street, Palo Alto, CA, 94301, USA.
When you visit a page containing the Pinterest social plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection to the Pinterest servers. The plugin transmits this log data to Pinterest servers in the United States. This log data may include your IP address, the address of the websites visited, which also includes Pinterest features, browser type and settings, the date and time of the request, how you use Pinterest, and cookies.
More information about the purpose, scope and further processing and use of data by Pinterest, as well as your rights and options to protect your privacy, can be found in the privacy notices of Pinterest: